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♥ Monday, April 20, 2009 ♥

People people people:) Long time no post, long time no see, long time no contact):

I guess its been very very very long since we've met each other, especially me la!): So far away from you guys):

Okay okay, no craps:) Outing for june/july:D Agree? Must start planning from today alr, if not like last year, failed to have a outing:)

So, those who have blogs, please leave down at the tagboard okays? Those who changed your hp number or so. Leave it down too yeah:) Hope to see everyone at the outing this time:D

Dont be anti-social!!:DD

Sallyyyyyyyyyyy, xoxo

♥ Saturday, October 18, 2008 ♥
Helloooooo 603-ians ((:

I dont think there's a need for the voting thingy already lah (: Since most voted for a class outing, then those who want to go, tag in the class blog. State where you want to go as well (: The datesss.... I dont think we can have the date so soon. So, we'll just start with the place first? Ok! :D


FYI * The date will be last as we dont know if during holidays, when will we have CCA or going overseas ((:

Sally posted this ((:

♥ Friday, October 10, 2008 ♥
Dear all 603s,
The poll will end in 2days time!! so guys, hurry up!! help inform other 603s please~~!!
For now, 8people voted for having a class outing while 5people voted for no class outing.. more people please!! Next, if majority wants to have a class outing, i will call Mdm Chua along. i think most of you want mdm chua?? teachers' dayyou guys were.. hahas. after that, we will have a poll for the date and venue. hope to see at least halfof the class there!!
Ohhhs yarhhs! and you guys please feel free tocall you friends to join us!! (:
LOVEs class-603,
ziiying-- help spread, thankks (:

♥ Monday, October 6, 2008 ♥

Get your own Poll!

♥ Friday, August 15, 2008 ♥
hahas all.. HELLOS!! here's another long-waited post??
hmmmm. this time, november, we organise a outing kkays?? hehes.. kkays??
FINE. tell me the date?!?!?!?!?!

LOVEss all 603

♥ Wednesday, May 28, 2008 ♥
List of 603s who are going for outing:

♥ ♥
hiies all guys and girls.
i'm sure i had messaged most of you..
the FINAL decision on the date for class outing is on:
4th June 2008.
those who are going please either message me at:
or taq the class bloq thankks.

♥ Little Pupil 1

Name> Lee Ziying
Nick> Stephanie> Nabbie
Gender> Female
Age> 11+
Birthday/ Egg Crack> 11/07/1995
Country> Singapore
Horoccope> Cancer
Zodiac> Pig
Horoscope> Cancer
Email> gurl_smiley@hotmail.com

♥ Little Pupil 2

Name> SallyLongXueLi
Age> 11+
Country> Singapore
Gender> Female
School> GanEngSengPrimarySchool
Eggcrack> 06121995/6 December 1995
Horoscope> Saggitarus
Zodiac> Piggie1995
Email> seceretpower@hotmail.com

♥ .:Wishes:.

Ziying hahax, many!! dOn't say i greedy horhhx
PSP slim
nice and cute soft toy handphone charm
newbag for next year [actually, I almost every year change, hahax]
new handphone [perhaps]
get CDS and karaoke DVDS/VCDS that i wants!! everytime

♥ .:Wishes:.

Get 220 above for my PSLE
Whole new laptop
New handphone
Money Money Money $$$
603 pass PSLE with flying colours
Not to be apart with my friends so quickly
My baobeiix doggie never to leave me alone..
Never Die!

♥ .:taggies:.

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

♥ Linkiies


♥ sOng~~

♥ Credits

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